Wednesday 24 October 2012

Stop motion no 2.

Another attempt on a video making.
After doing this one I am pretty sure I know what needs to be differently done. Maybe next one will be better.

Something happened though to the music.
It was so much fun making it.
Sill playing around the idea of reusing materials, connections between things and people and making things work even if you have broken down body.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

My attempt on making stop motion video.

I have been trying to express my vision on broken connections in peoples bodies and them adapting to life and getting on with it.
This is how it feels to me.

You can be just a little rag left of the whole you once were but as long as there is something left.....carry on!

Thursday 18 October 2012

Coffee overdose and reading

As my theory is very week the need to read art books and look up art history is great. I should be doing more physical art but have no time for it.
 Reading up on Mannerism and Renaissance before that. Also took a look at video ''Otherworlds'' based on two artists Nancy Spero and Kiki Smith which I found very interesting. Their work is different but yet very similar.
 Some pictures that I draw with sepia and charcole inspired by the wire head and work I do with my stretched fabric.

This is a try out made with ink and clingfilm to show the nerve connections.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

There is something about it.

We had nice morning today in ceramics workshop today regardless the fact that I felt absolutely useless in my explorations. You know one of those days when everything is 0. One interesting idea came out of the wondering around there... Have you ever noticed how you read words but the meaning starts to change itself.

Fire escape route...very clear and simple right! And what do I see instead of the text that is there after big red dot.
''You are here
You exist'' 
So I have an idea to make other people see it too and maybe make them think and play with this thought.

Here are some musings based on my ideas transferred to ink drawings and then to clay.

 I like this's calm but wise.


Some more bottled up shadows pulled by strings inside out.
More I think of the idea I have had more useless they feel.
What I want to do with this project next would take up one whole room.

The box shadow faces are developing slowly.
Got some inspiration from Anish Kapoor.
This piece is called Marsyas

The materials he uses I think make the sculptures what they are. It's like the shape does not matter as much as how it is displayed.

I know it seams like my work and Kapoors have nothing in common but there it is.

The same time I am still tangled in my cotton car cleaning fabric and fishing line.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Till now

I started to try to show how the threads used to pull us are not really seen. One may think everything inside and around you is perfect but there is always something wrong as well. The idea to just outline the face came from magic mirror in the Cinderella fairy tale.  A used coca bottle did the job of a frame. I cut off the base and melt the wholes true with heated needle. Fishing line is strong enough to hold the fabric in place and not to break straight away on the edges of the plastic.

 To work inside the bottle was fairly cramped and I decided to make the work space bigger. I asked for Jillian's  to construct 2 wooden frames. One 30 cm cube and second meter by meter cube. I'll use the smaller one to experiment.

 The plan was to pull out from fabric the whole outline of the face...lips and eyebrows...all of it, but from where I stand now it may be even better to not define the face too much and leave some things for the shadows and imagination to work out.

Now this is a picture of a pavement. The flaw part of a pavement to be exact but it looks so interesting and alive. I used the punk option on my camera with flash.

The lines on this leaf also look very interesting. They remind me of the nerve connections in human body.

castle of nets crochet art 225x300 castle of nets crochet art

Toshiko Horiuchi-MacAdam

I found this brilliant artist who uses crocheting to make her pieces of art. She started making these playgrounds after  few kids started climbing on her art pieces in a gallery not knowing any better. This gave Toshiko Horiuchi-MacAdam a great idea how to put the pieces to better use.

Castle of Nets Japanese Crochet art from Hobiuchi Macadam 1981

An other interesting work is by John Toth.


What next.

Haven't posted anything for a while. It seams that when I ma in thinking mode very little time is left to prioritase the writting work.
I was looking up some more artists who use wire for their artwork.

Alexander Calder was brilliant artist. I really like the use of materials, colours and balance.

He uses everything and nothing goes to waist. I have had to restrain myself walking past the skips not to take a peek to whats in there and can I possible use it as well. Do not get me wrong...I am not a horder but I do hate waist.

Jewellery by Calder
Strong yet delicate.

This piece by Calder seams so strong but yet it gives me familiar feeling of being stretched out and pulled betveen everything. Limitations by ourselves, the world, our bodyes...

Calder wire sculpture.
Isn't it amasing what one can do with just a piece of wire.

I have been using wire mostly to make the outer line for showing how nerve connections work in our body. You get signals from outside world nerves bringing the messages and sometimes these messages do not get where they are sopposed to. Broken signals... Most people learn to live with their broken world.

This drawing was an idea I was trying to work with but have not figured out yet how to do it. I need a bigger spring or a spiral made of spring so I can attach it to surround not so well defined person in it. Well actually.... it could be interesting to do it with an actual person and proken jumper with threads coming out of it...... Have to come back to that idea another time.