Thursday 22 November 2012

The connections true the eyes.

I am seeing shapes of eyes at every corner now...just looking at me or waiting to be seen themselves. 

This is an eye with tentacles stretching out to scan the space around it.
Material: plastic bag, tinfoil, fishing line, and Halloween spiderweb.

Tried a clay version of the eye I have been playing around.

It is amazing how the everyday simple things can turn into something so beautiful if you look close enough.

Eyes, eyes.

Landscape :)


Receding or approaching?
Little furry friend.

Playing around with vessels.


  1. you have really got somthing there , both the 'found , stuff . the clay snailey eye and the bottles its all working nicely , all coming to gether even my ugly old leg !

  2. Psst... never reveal your source!
    Thanks :)
